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Connect to the space between things -

the glue that keeps things together.

Raise your bots right!


Raise your AI to the right x-factor power of HR. Human Resources should be humanistic.

AI absolutely must be democratised and transparent to be trustworthy. It's time to put some more human back into HR.


RAO is building the structure to hash out the means for the spatial navigation of cyberspace. 

We'll need the Theta generated by a new kind of data model that taps into the physics of meaning to make sense of this.


Feed your bots dopamine clickbait and watch them tear the house down in some electric version of

a terrible twos tantrum. Don't say we didn't warn you. 


Feed bots human aspirations, values and intentions instead of putting the poor things in a skinner box

to evolve in. Theta is the missing link that elevates the perspective from an engineering data driven binary

behaviourist to tracking powerfully connected rich context over time.



Theta makes links in the data visual, trustworthy and easy to absorb
so you connect the dots
. . . 



A ThetaDriven approach is the way to generate actual sustained alignment between people and bots.


As you might have guessed we refer more to algorithms and automatisation than actual 'bots'.



Win with DataDriven Culture

Engage hearts and minds in direct
and effective sense-making.

When we don't engage in this sort of sense-making the result is very different. Engaging only hearts tilts towards the rage clickbait online culture where there's no time to pause or reflect on your values. Making such a process more direct and effective only accelerates mayhem! Engaging just minds would have the opposite effect losing touch with your senses and seamless navigational skills.


ThetaDriven culture supports this process of sustainable change and sense-making with spatial navigation cyberspace by visualizing networked data. Physical space has weight and direction much like a network and we represent this in ways both humans and bots excel at working with.


The key to navigating the future together is processing more information effortlessly in order to connect the dots to develop successful teams. ThetaDriven cultures value the growth and transparency that comes from legitimate leadership.


When you know the steps you feel comfortable enough to strive confidently,

be yourself and make all the right moves. You can only do this when you embody the Theta.






Beautiful night landscape, old volcano, crater lake. The colorful star trails on the sky.
Public Demonstration
Democratized voices

Theta is explicit - it brings direct context and efficient sense making support. Theta is the key to expressing an intention and how it's tracking over time. Only the "aboutness" or meta information can crack this issue by revealing the missing links between things and working with them explicitly.


The explicitness cuts out the middle man and lets you work with the relationship directly. By extension this means you do not need to blindly rely on authority or outsiders interpretations which magnificently opens a new dynamic. We see a future where leaders move with realtime Theta that increases their legitimate connection to the hearts and minds of those close to the action. 


Modernity and fast paced change produces noise that disconnects us from our senses. This is the polar opposite to democratizing 

speech and can shut us down.


More "human bandwidth" or faster typing speeds helps stem the tide of overwhelm but is not really the reason cyberspace divides and conquers our attention.


Theta is the missing link between sending a text or calling a friend and something like wikipedia that really gathers momentum and builds on itself.


Theta provides the oxygen you need to speak up safely and legitimately. For that one has to visualize the truth structured beyond the surface. The confidence that the best ideas matter and win. The ability to make your contribution meaningful. To speak up with more intentionality. To do this you need to orient spatially in cyberspace and move with the right context in mind. You need to transcend the reliance on simple authority and examine the hidden connections for yourself. This helps with bot safety.


Data is structured information-
Theta generates quantized awareness.

Quantized awareness is analogous to what happens when you turn on the light in a dark room. The state of the room could be any one of many alternatives but depending on the light, its color and its position - the reality of the room shifts before your eyes.


Theta is the oxygen or the light supporting effortless sense-making  so that moving though the uncertainty of the space becomes less daunting. Theta is your steadfast ally to navigate  the journey because the signals generated are so trustworthy and clear that striving bravely together comes naturally. 


Quantized awareness happens when a we perceive the pattern of ownership and direction embodied in networked data. Why ownership and direction? In short ownership represents the skin in the game or the weight of an observation. Direction represents the quality of an observation being helpful or hindering to something.

ThetaDriven supports this process of sense-making and sustainable change in cyberspace by visualising networked data in ways both bots and humans excel at working with.

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Spatial navigation in a sea of data

Theta gets a grip on data by providing context so we can navigate an ocean of data points spatially - in cyberspace. Theta really has to Be experienced to believe in it.


Theta reveals the fundamental structure of connections.


We sometimes compare Theta to a geodesic Dome which distributes the stress throughout the structure, making geodesic domes able to withstand very heavy loads for their size.


In modern business culture the stress isn't physical but a comprehensive set of "legs" supporting your focus enabling you to make sense of modern stressors more effectively. 


Businesses are information processing units - culture is how they win. A ThetaDriven culture supports the business in processing information faster and moving inventory smoothly. This is why culture eats strategy for breakfast. It's the blueprint underpinning all execution. Investing in team cohesiveness and legitimate goodwill creates a buffer to cope with uncertainty. ThetaDriven business cultures align and emphasise the structural mechanisms to efficiently process uncertain factors and act decisively. 

Theta distributes the stress of the modern world not just throughout your organisation but throughout each persons whole body. The right context counters our reliance on the tiny part of our brains responsible for logical sequential thinking. Ironically this is the sort of data one needs to make bots behave as well. Machine systems can dig into vast amounts of data but the relationships must to be there or the inferences won't happen. Explicit structure even makes the process efficient.


When the networked quality of information explicitly informs how it moves through a community something curious happens. We call this breaking the fourth wall because of how it reveals the physics of meaning - by connecting data points to their real sources. This makes opinions real in a wholly new way unlike numbers in a table.


A ThetaDriven business culture breaks the fourth wall when the network of connections that connect people folds time and space in a pervasive way - the proverbial suggestion box is simultaneously usable, fun and effective. Bottom up or top down doesn't matter - there's no implicit bias for either. From the maintenance staff to the c-suite a sincere video response to a strategic touch point can be restated and refined as it travels through the system. Initiatives gather more support through the process of daily weighing in over time on the right it instead of withering on the vine.


Theta breaks the fourth wall by making connections in a qualitatively new way. Imagine Tom in the marketing department makes a video response to a competitiveness goal and placed it in the yellow quad indicating everything looks good to go to him and he doesn't mind saying so. Elias the janitor is of a different take and responds in the red quadrant to loudly raise the alarm. Next Jane from legal chimes in on Elias warning with a video response in the yellow quadrant saying there most definitely is a problem here. 


Because networked data context can be visualised and scanned in basically one sweep we say it can be quantized into a self evident conclusion. This is only possible because the human effort it takes to collate the information into the decision is vastly reduced when presented in certain ways. This makes sensemaking a nobrainer for humans and bots alike.

Breaking the fourth wall
Pack of Fish
Pack of Fish

Linear tracking is a stepwise process such as reading a book one character at a time. Lateral tracking quantises temporal spacial meaning conveyed by signals perceived from the entire scene all at once.


This is how a fish decides where and how to move relative to its position in the school. The fish feels the waves generated by their neighbours. Lateral cognition vastly broadens an entities perspective and allows people and organisations to effortlessly orient themselves and flow relative to their situation.


Theta is qualitatively different. This is the missing link modern society needs to empower the values that let us navigate the future together.


Visualising data in creative ways is nothing new. Hans Rosling's moving bubble chart is just one example of a visual way to make sense of uniform data. Think of it as roots of various thickness you can mentally follow. 

Lateral not just linear
Enjoying Sunset
Direct & effective sensemaking

The key to navigating the future together is processing more information effortlessly in order to connect the dots and develop successful teams. ThetaDriven cultures value the growth transparency that engages hearts and minds in direct and effective sense-making.


Quantized awareness is analogous to what happens when you turn on the light in a dark room. The state of the room could be any one of many alternatives but depending on the light, its color and its position - the reality of the room shifts before your eyes.


Theta is the oxygen or the light supporting effortless sensemaking  so that moving though the uncertainty of the space becomes less daunting. Theta is your steadfast ally on the journey to your greatness because the signals are so trustworthy and clear that striving bravely together comes naturally. 


When you know the dance steps in a new social context you feel comfortable enough strive confidently, be yourself and make all the right moves. You can only do this when you embody the Theta.


Quantized awareness happens when a we perceive the pattern of ownership and direction embodied in networked data. Why ownership and direction? In short ownership represents the skin in the game or the weight of an observation. Direction represents the quality of an observation being helpful or hindering to something.

ThetaDriven supports this process of sensemaking and sustainable change in cyberspace by visualising networked data in ways both bots and humans excel at working with.

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Theta lets you invest in ideas that need oxygen to grow and influence the landscape. Particularly important for ideas that do not feed on peoples base natures and dopamine clickbait - these get all the attention they need already.


Theta provides the perspective and quantized awareness to faster reveal the kernels that needs to grow. Sunlight is both the best disinfectant and energy for growth. Theta provides both. 


The filter bubbles or echo chambers implicitly promise that the right information will reach you yet exactly this hints at the danger of blind faith in algorithms and measurement.


Noisy meetings and overwhelm is a math problem really. 

Typically only one person can be heard at a time.  The email

reply-all scenario or group chat obviously has it's drawbacks. It wasted unsustainable amounts of time. It does not build on itself over time but dies on the vine.

Reinforce cultural values
Win with the right "it" - with your values - with your people...
( RAO®:N ) -[r1]->( The-Right-It:W )-[r2]-> ( TR™:N )
Your Company               Defines                 The App

The dynamic is that the starting and ending points are just that. Points. Singularities if you will! The magic happens when they define each other. The starting point says something that defines the ending point. For example if water is blue we can talk about how blue it is as a separate entity - you might think it's blue like the turquoise stone and I might say it's blue like a sapphire.


Now the picture is far richer because we can connect these observations to every other observation and learn about each others perspectives on what blue "is" for this water. This is how we get closer to an understanding of what the experience of looking at the water really is like. What is important about "aboutness" is that we learn these things without actually having to experience the water! It's just a word. Theta is exactly those inferences you can make from the until now mostly missing links.


So what makes data into theta? It's a certain kind of connection to the space between things. You can see the thinking in the data model itself. The real magic happens when humans and bots are able to 'make sense' of the information in new ways. You could say it's more meaningful connections to "The-Right-It" in this model that make this data triple polymorphic.


In this example RAO® is a company that says The-Right-It about TR™ or ThetaResponse the app. What is The-Right-It you might ask? Well it in turn is defined by the connections and observations like other The-Right-It-N number of things we connect to it... And down the rabbit hole we go. This looks abstract here but with good design and user experience you'll quickly find we are already accustomed to thinking this way in physical space. This is how we orient spatially in cyberspace to navigate the future together. 



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